Submit Your Press Release with Photo and Video to Pegas Planet

Released on: February 25, 2008, 4:08 pm

Press Release Author: Pegas Planet

Industry: Marketing

Press Release Summary: PR and Article submission requires homework, and if you are
facing the submitting dilemma, you are probably not the only one out there.

Press Release Body: PR and Article submission requires homework, and if you are
facing the submitting dilemma, you are probably not the only one out there.
Typically what you need to do it the following: find publication sites or media
portals, create account with each of them or with the chosen ones, make prepayments,
or pay as you go. Then down the road you discover that payment side actually takes
more time than article or press release writing and you realize that what you paid
for doesn't necessary have the value, but simply eats your time to provide payment
info. We recommend you free press release, article and blog submission service,
which will improve your Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Let's go to reasonable
details on new submission:
1. Genre requirements. As you are in Blog, Article or PR genre, you should not
abuse advertisement side of your publication, where article is the most flexible in
author expression, but the most conservative in ads imbedded in the article body and
about author section. PR is obviously the most ads accepting, but least desirable
for SEO. Blog sits in the middle, as blogs allows you to let your emotions and
fantasy go out, but for google, yahoo, or msn it is something to be verified, why
you do this
2. Video. If you have MPG file supporting your PR, it is probably the best to
upload it and support your press release, we recommend the same to article writers -
support your article submission with video and photo materials. In our opinion it
is probably easier to get google top page rank with the article or even PR, where
you provide visual materials, such as picture or movie
3. Where to publish your article. This question is open ended. We can not
discriminate some media portals and give competitive advantage to the others - in
essence this is your decision and selection. In the decision making we recommend
you to evaluate such generic parameters as google page rank, company information
(meaning who owns and operates the media portal) and others

Web Site:

Contact Details: Andrew Karasev is consultant at Alba Spectrum - Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, Navision,
Axapta, MS CRM, SAP Business One and IBM Lotus Domino Partner. We invite you to
contribute on, Taisia Karaseva is Pegas Planet CEO. We
serve corporate customers in the following industries: Aerospace & Defense, Medical
& Healthcare, Distribution & Logistics, Hospitality, Banking & Finance, Wholesale &
Retail, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Placement & Recruiting, Advertising & Publishing,
Textile, Pharmaceutical, Non-Profit, Beverages, Conglomerates, Apparels, Durables,
Manufacturing and having locations in multiple states and internationally.

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